Should awards only go to the winners?

Should awards only go to the winners?

There is a great debate about whether children who participate in competitive sports and other activities should receive a trophy. On the one hand, there are those people who believe that participating in an activity or event should be rewarded for their participation, while on the other, there are those who think that only the winners should be receiving a trophy or medal.

Participation trophies can be a great way of boosting every child's self-esteem, which encourages them to want to take part in competitions and not feeling that great disappointment when they narrowly miss out on first place, after so much effort and training.

Whether to reward children for winning, or simply participating in an sport event, is a very tough decision to make, with many factors to be considered, depending on the activity or sporting event in question. Nevertheless, it can safely be said that the allocation of trophies and other awards should always be consistent, and focussed on rewarding children who are improving their individual performance, whether that involves winning or not.

At J C Trophies we offer a range of rewards for all levels with some magnificent trophies through to medals for all participants so that everyone feels their effort is appreciated and the winners receive something extra special. To find out more check out our collections.